This has been such a fantastic year! With great successes for all 3 horses:
- Willow’s successful move up to Training level including:
2 wins, 1 second in the T3D, 1 seventh placing (first outing) and 19 out of 47 in the AEC’s, finally made time at the level! - Palantir’s novice success including:
3 wins, 2 third placings, 13th out of 36 in the AEC’s & Reserve TIP, and ZERO penalties in XC ever! - Full of Hope’s debut in eventing at the TB Makeover scoring a 71% in dressage and stepping up to the plate in BN jumping 🙂
River Glen was a great success for Palantir this past weekend too!!!

I took Palantir to River Glen for their Fall Horse Trial. It has been many many years since I have shown there. It was everything I remember… Peaceful and beautiful! All the course were well done and the show grounds is very calm and horse friendly.
We finished on our dressage score of 23.6 Landing us another WIN in the Open Novice division.
He was calm and relaxed in the warm-up arenas, which has been a issue since his first show. He has really grown up and is a solid competitor!

Show jumping was really fun. Again, calm in warm-up 🙂 We jumped double clear in a soggy arena. He was foot perfect and jumped really well.
On to Cross Country! It was a very foggy morning, which did not phase him at all. Solid guy! We galloped around double clear and it was, by far, my best run on him.

I am really looking forward to 2020! I am planning on moving him up early next spring to Training level. Willow will make the move up to Modified for a few shows before we tackle our first Preliminary together.

As for Full of Hope, he will continue to show over the Winter at Snow Bird Dressage, Lakeside Arena and various other shows. He has a late start to the year, so he is starting to really show progress. I adore him and he is super talented. He will compete at Novice in 2020 with sites on the AEC’s! 🙂