First of all, a HUGE thank you to my coach and friend Elaine Gibala for her wisdom, friendship and lessons!!
Calisto and I recently competed at the MSEDA Dressage show at the Ky Horse Park. We competed in Second Level Tests 1 & 2, to continue to earn scores toward our Bronze Medal. Calisto was excellent! We had 2 solid, qualifying rides on day one. On day 2, we improved our scores by 10 points on Test 1 and 5 points on Test 2.
I am really excited about his future as a dressage star 🙂 I am working on Third and Forth Level tests for the next showing!
I am so glad I listened to my horse when he showed me he did not like eventing. He is so happy now and has stopped many of his strange behaviors – like screaming at the show, constantly. LOL